Making wishes can provide us hope when we need it most.
Here are Willowjak’s wishes for 2022.
My wish for everyone is to find the joy in wherever you are. I touched on what this wish involves in my last post…the reality of my current holidays versus the beautiful memories I have of moments and traditions from other life roles in Christmas Past. I’ve come to the current situation in rather Scrooge-like fashion, clinging to trying to keep the traditions, events and moments that I have looked forward to every year since I was a child, thinking that was how to keep the Christmas magic alive. Even when these things no longer really fit the way my life is currently running.
The realities of my current role are very different from my past, and I’ve had to come to terms with leaving many of those things I loved so much behind, to become just fond memories, not re-creatable moments in the present. And that this will be OK.
Arriving here has taught me that the many hats and roles of our lifetimes will affect the holidays, even when some of these roles are hard ones to leave when it’s time to move on. But accepting a new role has also taught me that the truly best of the holidays will always be there no matter our role; the giving spirit, the sense of community, they joys of watching children experience the magic, CREATING the magic for them. The ways in which I interact with these elements of the holidays may change as my role changes, but the opportunities to engage and the magic they bring will always present themselves if we remain open to them.
Lastly, I have also realized that no matter what else changes, there is always me, no matter what else may change. The things that I once did to please others, I may continue to do some of, just to please myself; and that can be just as gratifying. That giving joy and peace to myself can be a good thing too.
My holiday wish for 2021 is that everyone is able to embrace where they are in these crazy times, and search in every circumstance and situation for those moments of magic that bring Christmas joy and peace into your heart.
My wish this year is to actively work on my mindset. I live in anxiety and fear a lot of the time and it takes away from my ability to see the good right in front of my nose. I want to make a promise to myself that even when things are hard and scary that I try and find one good thing about the moment!
I wish for the chance to make more wishes in 2022! I want us all to believe and respect the awesome power of nature, and act with more compassion, selflessness, and love toward one another.
My wish for 2022 is that anyone who is experiencing loneliness or disconnection, finds community and authentic healthy relationships.
I wish that everyone feels safe and loved in this wild world.
In 2022, I will be experiencing a lot of “firsts”. A first home, a first set of pots and pans, a first electrical bill, a first real position for my job, and many more. I’m definitely and undoubtedly stressed about all of that. There’s a lot of uncertainty in it! But, my wish for all of these firsts and 2022 as a whole is that I take the year on with the knowledge that it’ll all workout well in the end, just like every other year and every other “first”, and the appreciation for the beauty of all of these “firsts”! As I get older, I’m going to run out of firsts to be had. I gotta love ‘em while they last.
Happy New Year from Willowjak! May all your wishes come true.

I’m trying my best to pay it forward by dealing hope and sharing stories & tips on caregiving and how to survive hard things. I blog a lot about single parenting my adult twin sons who both have autism, and the challenges we face in surviving the everyday challenges and planning for a future full of unknowns.
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