Thank you.
For taking the time to check out our little site.
For taking the time to read our stories.
For showing your support for our sharing.
For sharing your own stories with us either through private messages, conversations or in your comments online.
For liking and sharing our posts and showing our resident bloggers some love.
This site was a bit of an experiment when I launched it in September. I really just wanted a place to put words to my experiences and by inviting these brave, incredible and beautiful people to join me as resident bloggers on Willowjak, I think we have created a lovely community. It’s ironic that my boys names combine to create a willow tree and I have always identified that word ‘Willowjak‘ with all that a strong tree represents. Willowjak‘s tree is symbolic of its roots which are nourished by the support of all of you, our readers (who are in many cases, friends and family and who are part of a greater community of support). Our branches live with purpose to reach out and provide support and inspiration to others through the telling of our stories and truths. Each leaf is a different theme (allyship, caregiving, disability, etc.) that is filling our community with the untold stories that the greater world doesn’t always hear about or understand. It is my hope that when you see the Willowjak logo, that image of that strong tree immediately brings you the same feelings that I feel when I think about this site: I feel hope, I feel inspired and I feel seen. I am happy to be a part of something bigger than myself and my boys and I think we might be putting a bit more light into the world. So thank you for being a part of all of this.
With that said, this blasted 2020 year is winding down and we wanted to change things up a bit. I hope you’ll continue to check in with us daily as we put out fresh content everyday through the holidays and into the New Year, when we have some bigger plans that we hope will come together for our site.
I’ve polled our resident contributors and we have compiled some lists of our favourite things to share with you over the next couple of weeks, with the hope of inspiring you to explore some new vendors, new interests or new ways to help others. We will also be posting some of our favourite recipes so let us know if you decide to try any of them out and let us know what you think!
Thanks again for your continued support and for being part of our little community made up of big hearts.

I’m trying my best to pay it forward by dealing hope and sharing stories & tips on caregiving and how to survive hard things. I blog a lot about single parenting my adult twin sons who both have autism, and the challenges we face in surviving the everyday challenges and planning for a future full of unknowns.
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