Dr. Jen Parsons, NDI have always wanted to be a naturopathic doctor even before I knew this career existed. As a kid, I loved learning about the power of healing. […]

…during a pandemic On edge? Here are some helpful tips of what you can add to your tool chest to calm yourself when your regular coping mechanisms are not available. […]

Editor’s Note: Today Dr. Jen launches her first day seeing patients at the Naturopathic Nook, with her partner, Dr. Shivaune Wright, seeing patients virtually and now physically in their new […]


September 19, 2020

5 Steps to Transform Your Life

lessons from my quirky kid - Dr. Jen Parsons, ND on dock

Dr. Jen Parsons, ND

Feel all the “feels” Visualize your transformation Rule out medical issues Mindfulness (check out www.calm.com, Headspace, Insight Timer) Surround yourself with cheerleaders Dr. Jen Parsons, NDI have always wanted to […]
