Welcome to the Willowjak Blog

If you're looking for community,
you're in the right place.
We talk about surviving hard things and share stories about autism, caregiving, disability, allyship, parenting, mental health and wellness.


Caregiving, Disability, StaceyFH

Stacey aka WillowjakMama

May 13, 2021

Extend some grace to the caregivers

Single parenting is truly not given the credit it deserves. Single parenting for people who don’t have circles of support even more so. Single parenting children with disabilities? That’s something […]

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Choose Your Own After


Grab a cuppa or a hard cider, pop in your earpods and settle into your cozy spot 

Do You Wanna Be a Hope Dealer with Me?


Hi, I'm Stacey.
Welcome to the
Willowjak Blog 

My blog started as a way to document my journey to wellness, but turned into a place to be inspired by others through our collective messy & authentic stories. We chat about themes that are often ignored and voices that aren't often given a chance at the mic. Now it's my favourite place to be. 

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