Welcome to the Willowjak Blog

If you're looking for community,
you're in the right place.
We talk about surviving hard things and share stories about autism, caregiving, disability, allyship, parenting, mental health and wellness.



Liv McClelland

March 24, 2022

Freshman Farewell

As warm weather and spring arrive it reminds me more and more that time is passing and my first year of university is coming to an end. I wrote about […]

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Start Here..

three year hibernation

Stacey aka WillowjakMama

Three Year Transformation

March 22, 2022

step-mom shame

Michelle Devine

My Secretive Hate

March 16, 2022

Lisa K.

Fresh Start at 32 years

March 14, 2022


Deb P.

The Scarlet S of Shame

March 10, 2022

Laura M.


March 9, 2022

Liza McClelland

Another Level of my Shy Truth

March 7, 2022

have a day

Rev. Michelle Brotherton

Dealing with my Negative Tapes

March 6, 2022

happy new year

Stacey aka WillowjakMama

Our 2022 Wish

December 31, 2021

Michelle Devine

A Caregiving Person

December 27, 2021

Choose Your Own After


Grab a cuppa or a hard cider, pop in your earpods and settle into your cozy spot 

Are you a joy seeker or a hope dealer? Are you currently stuck and feeling isolated in your muck, or are you in a stage of life where your life experiences are improving the lives of others? 

In the toughest of times I’ve turned to the stories of other survivors of hard things to give me hope. From them, I’ve learned that there was a “before” and an “after” and it’s in how they chose to live their after, that determined their success. Like the Choose Your Own Adventure books, when faced with an obstacle, you’ve still always got a choice. I’m inspired by those who’ve chosen a positive mindset and this podcast will introduce you to them, so they can inspire you too. 

This won’t just be a podcast about autism because I’m no expert. It won’t just be a podcast about parenting because I’m no expert at that either. But it will be a podcast where you can expect to hear the stories, tips and lessons that I’ve absorbed and used along the way in my own journey as a single mom to my boys.

You’re at a dead-end. What are you going to choose? I hope you’ll choose to join our growing Willowjak community and discover how you can take some nuggets from our chats to improve your own afters. 

Do You Wanna Be a Hope Dealer with Me?

You're feeling at home here, you've found your people and you want to be a part of the Willowjak Neighbourhood?

Be a guest blogger, collaborate or tell me how you think you can improve the lives of our readers.


Hi, I'm Stacey.
Welcome to the
Willowjak Blog 

My blog started as a way to document my journey to wellness, but turned into a place to be inspired by others through our collective messy & authentic stories. We chat about themes that are often ignored and voices that aren't often given a chance at the mic. Now it's my favourite place to be. 

Learn more

glad you're here!